miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011


Este fin de semana, nos hemos desplazado, hacia el este, al vecino departamento de la Dordogne! Para visitar Perigueux....
Es una ciudad muy acogedora, y realmente encantadora, por un lado posee las ruinas galoromanas de Vesunnade, y por el otro un emblemático centro Medieval y Renacentista, que es impresionante!!
Es una ciudad, para perderse por sus callejuelas o pasear por el río......
Por otro lado, aprovechamos también, para visitar el Chateaú de Neuvic, el cual volveré a visitar en el futuro(espero) para poder contemplar su jardín botánico, ahora poco vistoso por la época invernal en la que nos encontramos. Del castillo solo decir que es increíble.

so another weekend has passed and again we didn't spend it on beeing lazy... saturday Hector worked and sunday we went on our weekly discovery tour trough the aquitaine... and after a short visit at the beatifull chateau Neuvic (which right now is a private school... and actualy it reminds me of the school from the good old "crazy" by aerosmith...  i would only add some ghost stories to make the picture perfect of the building) we reached Perigueux. I must say that since our last visit in the departament of dordogne (remember kayaking in september?) no other place made such a nice impression on me, and also weather was sunny which  only made the day more idyllic. The town has a long and reach history- the first thing that we have visited, was the roman village of Vesunna(its actualy the name of a Gallic goddess, and there still are ruins of her temple here), but before the romans it was a capital city for the gales. The museum of Vesunna was unfortunately closed... in France usualy they do not open the museums on sundays!!!!such a pity, but it means we have to come back:)
The "newer" part of Perigeuex is without any doubt reigned by the Cathedral from 1120 (or 984 it's not clear).Once you enter the cathedral, you feel like a part of a book for the art history students!And than, while taking a walk around the town you get speechless... really!!!the small medieval streets and sweet old houses seem to be lost in time!!!and as a dessert you can take a walk on the picturesque riverside...
we liked perigueux so much, that we will definately come back for at least 2 days... hope the nightlife is as lovely as the architecture:)
szorcik: niedziele spedzilismy jak zwykle zwiedzajac, najpierw zamek w neuvic, potem jedna z piekniejszych miejscowosci jakie dotad udalo mi sie zobaczyc we francji: perigueux... miasto doslownie polozylo mnie na lopatki... ruiny romanskie, celtyckie... piekna katedra i malownicze sredniowieczne uliczki...wow... a do tego sloneczko i wiosenna pogoda!

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